Zoom Participant Guide

Zoom Participant Guide

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform used to host online programming at the University of Toronto. If you are new to using Zoom, check out the Help CentreLinks to an external site. and this listing of video tutorials for information regarding its features and functionality. To learn more about accessibility-related features in Zoom, please visit the Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions pageLinks to an external site.

What You Need to Get Started

Joining a Zoom Meeting

  1. Click on the Zoom Meeting link provided to you for the session. It will launch your Zoom Desktop App and you will be placed into a Waiting Room. The Meeting Host will admit you into the session at the start time. If you have trouble logging in, please contact getstarted.utsc@utoronto.ca for technical support.
  2. If you are asked to connect your audio, please select Join by Computer Audio. Your microphone will be muted and your video turned off by default when you enter the Zoom Meeting.
  3. You can rename yourself to your preferred name and pronouns if you wish. To do this, click the "Participants" icon in the Zoom toolbar. Then, in the Participants window, next to your name click "More" and choose "Rename". Enter a new name and click "Rename" to save it for that session.

How to Participate in a Zoom Meeting

You can:

  1. Mute/unmute your microphone: The host also has the ability to mute you. If you click on the arrow next to the mute button, you will have additional options for audio settings. You can change your microphone, leave the computer audio or access the audio options.
  2. Stop/start your video: You can turn your camera on or off with the Start/Stop Video button. By clicking on the arrow next to the start/stop video button, you can change webcams, access your Zoom video settings, or select a virtual background.
  3. View a list of participants: If you click on Participants, you can see who is currently in the meeting.
  4. Chat with individuals or everyone in the meeting: Click Chat to open up the chat window and chat with other participants or view chat messages. Select the drop down next to To: to change who you are chatting with.
  5. Share Screen: If the host allows, you can share your desktop (everything you have open) or select a specific application to share (e.g., Microsoft PowerPoint or Excel). The host will have the ability to stop your screen share.
  6. Raise Your Hand or Choose a Reaction: Click Raise Hand to let the facilitators know you have a question or wish to speak. You can also select one of the other reaction buttons to provide feedback to the facilitators.
  7. Leave the meeting: You can leave the meeting at any time by clicking on the Leave Meeting option at the lower right corner of the Zoom window.