Faculty & Staff Opportunities

The First Year Learning Communities (FLCs) Program is a registered program that groups approximately 40 first-year students by program of study and/or lived experiences in order to help students find a sense of community on campus. Pronounced as “flicks”, FLCs meet bi-weekly to participate in workshops and activities focused on academic skills development, career exploration, and community development. Each FLC is assigned an upper-year student leader as well as a Staff/Faculty Advisor from a similar program of study or identity group.
The Department of Student Life welcomes any interest to participate in the First Year Learning Communities Program. This can include events; curriculum development, student referrals, and Staff/Faculty Advisor positions. 
Dinner With Your Professor 
This dinner series provides FLC participants with the opportunity to network with staff and faculty from their program of study and/or identity groups (1 dinner per FLC). Staff and Faculty are invited to participate in one or more dinners. 
Dinner With Your Future 
This dinner series provides FLC participants with the opportunity to network with professionals from the area study, identity groups, and/or aspiring career fields. Staff and Faculty are invited to participate in this series and/or to refer professionals.
Staff/Faculty Advisor 
The role of the Staff/Faculty Advisors is to provide guidance to upper-year student leaders and FLC participants. Staff/Faculty Advisors attend bi-weekly meetings, and provide input on FLC curriculum and activities. Staff/Faculty Advisors may request a letter to confirm program participation. 
If you are interested in learning more about ways to get involved and/or to request promotional materials, we invite you to contact Rebekkah Nighswander, Coordinator, First Year Programs.