Experiential Learning (EL) Mobility Modules 2024-2025 Expression of Interest (Step 1)

Welcome to the online ELF Mobility Modules Step 1 – Expression of Interest Application Form. Refer to the How to Apply section on the ELF website before proceeding with your Expression of Interest (EOI). 
Applicants are encouraged to have responses prepared in advance of completing the online application form. Online applications must be completed in one sitting, as you will not be able to stop, save or continue your application at a later time. Thank you for your understanding!



Before submitting, contact experiential.utsc@utoronto.ca and a member of U of T Scarborough Team Xperience will set up a conversation to support the development of your application. Deadline to submit is 12 February 2024. For any fields that may not be applicable to your project, indicate N/A in the response section. Note: responses exceeding the character limit (if applicable) will not be included in your online form submission.

Section A: General Information
Do you have an existing partner?
Section B: Project Description

This brief description may be used for the EL website and/or added to the UTSC Experiential and Global Learning SharePoint for faculty, staff and librarians to review past successful projects (500 character limit, including spaces).

Section C: Rationale

UTSC’s Strategic Plan outlines a values-based approach to Inspiring Inclusive Excellence (p.14). Provide a rationale for your proposed project using this four-pronged framework and an EDIA lens. Explain how the intended experiential learning activity will: (1) address course and/or program learning outcomes; (2) enhance student learning; (3) incorporate key EL evaluation components (i.e. reflective inquiry); (4) identify and/or inform impact on our community and industry partners; (5) ensure inclusive and accessible opportunities to encourage the participation and inclusion of students with disabilities. Finally, please explain how your project will shift to remote learning should public health measures require such a return (5000 character limit, including spaces).


Notice of Collection Statement  
Information submitted through the online ELF Mobility Modules Step 1 - Expression of Interest is collected for the administration of the ELF funds.  Information you provide through the ELF Mobility Modules Step 1 - Expression of Interest will be shared with staff and academic leadership at the Office of the Vice-Principal Academic & Dean and members of the annual adjudication committee.  Successful ELF-funded projects will be featured on the Experiential and Global Learning website and SharePoint, and may be featured in EL-related newsletters and other promotional channels at the University. If you have any questions about how the information submitted through the ELF Mobility Modules Step 1 - Expression of Interest will be managed, please contact Team Xperience at: experiential.utsc@utoronto.ca.