Staying Focused

For some students with disabilities, focus can be particularly challenging.  Two methods you may find helpful are the "Pomodoro" and "Red Dot Focus" Method.  They can be used separately or can work together to assist with your focus and staying on task.  This can help your overall time management of tasks.

Pomodoro Method

The tomatoes reflecting time in the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro method can help with focus and you can pace yourself using this method, especially if you experience cognitive or physical fatigue.

  1. Make a list of the tasks you need to complete.
  2. Begin the Pomodoro Technique:

    Set a timer for 25 minutes and begin your task

    Work on your task until your timer rings

    Take a 5-minute break

  3. After completing 4 ‘Pomodoro’s’ take a longer break (25 minutes).

Be mindful of what you do during your break. Get up and away from your workspace. Take a short walk outside, make yourself a tea or coffee, or practice mindfulness.

Tips and Recommendations:

  • Is the work period too long or breaks to short? You can change these times to work better for you! Example: 15 minutes of on task time and 10 minutes of break time. 
  • Ensure that your workspace is clear of distractions and that you are hydrated, have eaten recently, and have had a good night’s rest! 
  • There are many websites and apps that specifically track the pomodoro method. Use what works best for you.


Pomodoro Method - Final.pdf (downloadable worksheet)


Red Dot Method

Red Dot


Do you find yourself drifting off while listening to lectures and while studying? Does this impact the amount of time it takes you to get a task done? This method can help with slippery time - when you don't realize how much time has passed.

  1. Select an object in the space you are in.  If you are at home, you may want to place a "red dot" on a wall that you would see when you look up from your study space. If you are in class or another space select an object you can see.
  2. If you find you are looking at the "red dot" or other object, this is a reminder that you may have become distracted and to refocus on your task.

You can combine the Pomodoro method and the "red dot" method as the red dot method keeps you focused during your "task time" in the Pomodoro method.


Beginner's Guide to The Pomodoro Technique
Created by Todoist.
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