During the Test

Consider in advance, strategies that will assist you during the test.  Preparing and practicing strategies prepares you as you go into the test.  This can reduce anxiety as you can feel more confident that you are coming into the test prepared.

The following strategies will help address managing anxiety, different format tests, remembering information and managing your time for your test.  We have also provided some strategies to prepare for an online test vs. in-person.


Specific Considerations for Online Tests

  • Review the format of your upcoming tests and exams. Be mindful of the time allotted for your take home exam. Some take home exams may only be open for a few hours while others may be open for a few days. 

  • If your exam is only open for a few hours, prepare for this exam as you would for an in-person exam. Take some practice exams under the same time constraints and practice your recall of information. 

  • If your exam is open for a few days, treat this exam like a final essay. Try to do some preparation or research before the exam is released on potential topics you could write about. Take some time to do an outline before you start writing, and remember to edit after you finish your rough draft. 

  • Have your summary sheets or course material accessible. For open book exams, this can also serve as an easy reference sheet (confirm which aids or materials are allowed prior to the start of an online exam). 

  • Check your computer. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment and software to write the exam when the time comes.
  • Familiarize yourself with the online platform hosting the online exam and ensure that you have the correct link and log in information prior to the start of the exam.
  • Review the technical aspects of the online testing platform: Can you move between questions and sections? Is there a timer or time limit for sections of the exam? 

    - If you do end up experiencing technical issues during the exam, contact your instructor and TA as soon as possible with as much detail as you can provide (e.g. time of error, error messages, and screenshots).

  • Check to see the specifications of the exam. Will you have access to the internet or other software? 

  • If you have questions or concerns about how your test and exam accommodations will be implemented for your take home exam, connect with your Accessibility Advisor/Disability Consultant.