Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a great technique to consolidate complex, multi-step processes. This is a powerful technique can help with comprehension as well as memory as it prompts you to simplify concepts while also utilizing the dual coding principle (see 6 Effective Learning Strategies Section).   

How to Create a Mind Map 

  1. Choose a topic & label this in the center of a page  
  2. Identify main ideas and connect these to the topic  
  3. Add details, images, and colours to the main idea to help visualize relationships and connections

How to use a Mind Map for memory  

  1. Visualize the map without looking  
  2. Re-draw sections from your memory  
  3. Always double check your mind map after recalling information 


Bubble diagram with branches connecting the central term (Season) to secondary terms (ie: winter, fall, summer, spring). Secondary terms have branches connecting to further examples (ie: vacation, activities, sports, weather, feelings)
Assistive Technology Tool: Introduction to MindView Mind Mapping Software
MindView helps students visualize ideas, communicate and be more productive.