Formula Sheets

Occasionally professors will allow formula sheets to be used in exams, or you may have this available as an accommodation. Having a well-organized formula sheet can also be a useful study aid for remembering and understanding different formulas or laws. When making a formula sheet, consider how you can group various formulas together. This will help you quickly find equations during tests and increase your understanding of concepts by reflecting on how various equations relate to each other. A formula sheet can support recall of basic information which students may struggle with if they are anxious during tests.


basic physics formula triangles

Image Description: Basic physics formula triangles in three sections 1. Electricity. Voltage, V = I R, Power, P = V I, Current I = P/V, Charge, Q = I t, Energy or work, E = Q V  2. Mechanics. Energy or Work, E = P t, Force, F = m a, Weight, W = m g, Distance, d = v t, Velocity change, ΔV = a t, Force, F = -k x, Torque or moment, τ = F d, Impulse, J = F t, Momentum, p = m v, Energy or work, E = F d, Gravitational Potential Energy, EGP = m g h, Kinetic Energy, EK = 1/2m V squared 3. Other. Wave velocity, v = f λ. Force, F = P A, Mass, m = ρ V, Energy or heat, m c ΔT

Formula Example Source: Wikipedia