Principal's Healthy Campus Walk

Come on out and enjoy the Fall sunshine with Principal Bruce Kidd and Prof. Marc Cadotte on the Principal’s Healthy Campus Walk. Did you know UTSC is embedded in a hotbed of species invasions? Exotic plants that run amok can alter ecosystems and reduce biodiversity. Prof. Cadotte will highlight these effects with the plant dog-strangling vine that is choking out some areas of the valley lands.

Time: Monday, October 30, 12-1pm

Location: Humanities Wing Patio (HW)

Registration is free.

As an important reminder to be aware of tick safety while in the park, here are some tips about Being Tick Smart in the Rouge:

  • Stay on official trails and away from long grasses
  • Tuck your pants into your socks
  • Wear a repellent containing DEET

For more information about tick prevention and Lyme disease, please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada website.

Hosted by the Office of the Vice-President & Principal in collaboration with the Office of the Vice-Principal Research and the Sustainability Office.