Evacuation Procedures

To Report Emergencies

  1. Call Campus Safety at 416-978-2222 and give accurate and brief details of the emergency and your location.
  2. Remain on the line and follow the directions of the dispatcher.

If You Discover a Fire

  1. Stay calm.
  2. Activate the nearest pull station.
  3. Leave the area and close all doors behind you.
  4. Call Campus Safety at 416-978-2222 and give accurate and brief details of the emergency and your location.
  5. Leave the building by the nearest safe exit.  Do not use elevators.
  6. Proceed to your nearest exit at a safe speed, closing the doors behind you.  Do not run.
  7. Once outside the building, move away from the exits and stay clear of the area.
  8. Do not re-enter an evacuated building until authorized to do so by Campus Safety or other Emergency Personnel.

When You Hear the Fire Alarm

  1. Leave the building immediately by the nearest safe exit.  Do not use elevators.
  2. Proceed to your nearest exit at a safe speed, closing the doors behind you.  Do not run.
  3. Once outside the building, move away from the exits and stay clear of the area.
  4. Do not re-enter an evacuated building until authorized to do so by Campus Safety or other Emergency Personnel.

If Evacuation is not Safe

  1. Return to the room and close the door, leaving it unlocked.
  2. Seal off all openings that may admit smoke into the room.
  3. Stay low to the floor if smoke enters the room.
  4. Call 9-1-1 and alert them to your location.  Wait to be rescued.  Listen to the instructions given by emergency personnel.


Evacuation Procedures for Departments

Campus Safety Operations will assist UTSC departments with setting up Evacuation Proceudures for their department.  Evauation Procedures include identifying evacaution routes, mustering locations, and assigning Evacuation Wardens and a back up Evacuation Wardens.  Evacuation Warden is a voluntary position and they assist emergency personnel with the evacation of persons in their designated area during a fire event or other emergency.  If you are interested in developing an Evacuation Procudure for your department at UTSC, please contact the Manager of Security Systems and Services.