Mandekh in Mozambique

Olá! My name is Mandekh Hussein and for the next year, I will be working in Maputo Mozambique as a Program Assistant for National Volunteering with the Red Cross of Mozambique (Cruz Vermelha de Moçambique). My interest in state conflict and post-conflict, has allowed me to delve into the intricacies of citizens everyday lives. In addition to exploring the various dimensions of conflict, I have a particular interest in the role of citizens in ameliorating the lives of their community.

In my role, I will be working in an organizational to promote information sharing and communication within the Red Cross of Mozambique and to further develop Volunteer management and development course. What does this all mean? I will be able to provide my skills at a direct level in order to assist in the progression of the organization.

In addition to the exciting placement, I hope to become fluent in Portugese, embrace the Mozambican culture and engage in every learning opportunity that may arise!
