How Co-op Placement Works

How does IDS Co-op Work?

During their fourth year, students in the IDS Co-op program have the opportunity to partake in an 8 to 12 month internship with an international organization that shares commitments and values similar to those of the IDS program at UTSC.  One unique aspect of this program is that we strive to develop partnerships with organizations around the world in multiple sectors of development – including projects centred around health, education, governance, the environment and more. While on placement, all students are also required to conduct fieldwork for the purpose of writing an undergraduate thesis.

What is the Role of the Placement Partner?

  • IDS Partners provide an 8-12 month work placement in an international development setting
  • Provide a modest living allowance to student interns
  • Assist students to find safe, affordable and practical living accommodations
  • Develop a specific and attainable mandate, taking into consideration the duration of the placement
  • Designate a Supervisor to assist in directing the student’s day-to-day work
  • Work with the university to develop a student health and safety plan
  • Permit the student to spend 20% of working hours on the development of their thesis

What does the University Provide?

  • Airfare to and from the placement country
  • Costs associated with in-country visas
  • Required vaccines
  • Medical insurance for students
  • Pre-placement orientation for students; including sessions on Health, Safety, Cultural Integration, Positionality and Research Methods

What is Expected from the Student?

  • Fulfill the prescribed mandate to the best of their abilities, with the support of the employer
  • Respect cultural norms within the workplace and daily life
  • Integrate themselves into the local community
  • Complete a research project for their undergraduate thesis
  • Maintain contact with UTSC Co-op Office through bi-monthly work reports and periodic phone calls

Timeline for New Partners

  • September – November: Partners should express interest in taking-on a student for the following spring/summer.
  • November – January: Partner works with university to develop student mandate and settle placement details.
  • November – March: Students apply for available positions; interviews take place on an on-going basis
  • May – August: Students depart for their placement countries

For more information, please contact the interim IDS Co-op Manager:

Mira Kanaan, interim IDS Coop Manager
Phone: 416-287-7113