Daniel Sumanan

Daniel Sumanan
Political Science Students' Association
Associate to the Vice President of External

Daniel Sumanan is a fourth-year student finishing his degree with a major in Political Science and a double minor in Public Law and Urban Governance. Daniel is currently serving as Associate to the Vice President of External. Daniel joined PSSA so he could offer guidance and support to fellow students who may be struggling while navigating throughout their academic journey. As a fourth-year student, Daniel feels that his experience and insights can contribute to the team and make a difference in the success of students within the Political Science department and outside of it. Daniel is passionate about law and politics as he has taken a wide range of courses within the political science department. After his studies, he also strives to enter law school to continue his academics. Outside of class, Daniel has experience working on government campaigns for municipal, provincial, and federal ridings. Through his campaign involvement, he has witnessed firsthand the impact that dedicated individuals can have on shaping policies and representing the diverse interests of their communities. As Daniel nears the completion of his undergraduate journey, he hopes to continue learning from his peers and mentors.