Stacey Butler

Stacey Butler
Building HL 342 & 333

Stacey J Butler is a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto in the Institute of Medical Sciences and a Course Instructor in the Department of Health and Society. She is also a Graduate Education Developer with the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program (TATP) at the University of Toronto’s Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation. She is passionate about education and knowledge translation and is a former Co-Editor in Chief of IMS Magazine, a student-led science communication initiative at the University of Toronto. She has experience working with people who have chronic lung diseases and conducting both clinical and epidemiological research studies. Her doctoral research projects combine data from health administrative databases and disease registries with patient-reported outcome measures to conduct impactful population-based studies. Her thesis assesses how coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) impacts people with lung cancer and the care that they receive, with an emphasis on symptom burden and palliative care. She is currently affiliated with ICES and Sunnybrook Research Institute.