DHS Prof lead author of report on future of paramedicine

Paramedics wheeling an injured person on a gurney

Assistant Professor Walter Tavares is a lead author on a new white paper, released today by Paramedic Chiefs of Canada.

The report titledPrinciples and Enabling Factors Guiding Paramedicine in Canadaoutlines a new set of guidelines for the future of paramedicine in Canada and responds to changes and challenges in the healthcare sector in Canada.

Prof. Tavares is Program Supervisor of the Department of Health and Society’s new Joint Specialist Program in Paramedicine.

Paramedicine’s community focus and its position as a mobile healthcare service has led governments to increasingly call upon the profes­sion to contribute. The new vision document looks at how emerging philosophies in health care are a catalyst for this new thinking in how paramedicine is structured to respond to the needs of society.

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