Teaching Interests
- Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences
- Sociology of Family
- Sociology of Gender
- Family Relations and Gender Roles in Chinese Societies
Teaching Grants
- Teaching Enhancement Grant (2014, $3009.6)
Enhancing Teaching and Learning of the Canadian Families through Statistics and Demographic Data, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough College. -
New Professional Development Fund, (2013, $300)
Organizing and chairing two panels on "Teaching Qualitative Research as Transgressive Practices" at the 10th International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, May 21-25, 2014, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough College. -
Teaching Enhancement Grant (2013, $4,118.40)
Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Constructivism in Qualitative Interviewing, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough College. -
Teaching Assessment Grant (2011, $1,000)
Hearing the Data in Qualitative Interviewing, Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Scarborough College. -
Teaching Technology Grant (2001, $31,500)
"Lives & Legacies: A Guide to Qualitative Interviewing," University of Toronto.
Graduate Courses
- SOC6713S Qualitative Research Methods II—Qualitative Interviewing
This course is one of the Essentials of Qualitative Research Course Series at the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research. Students interested in the Certificate in Qualitative Research Methodology should consult the instructor. - Introduction to Asian Studies
- Ethnographic Fieldwork
- Gender and Global Issues
Undergraduate Courses
Courseware Project
Xin Nu Shu: Feminist Pedagogy (University of Toronto, Scarborough), 2005.

Xin Nu Shu is a CD ROM project designed to facilitate participatory teaching and learning in women's studies in China. It is based upon exchanges among Canadian and Chinese scholars at the Summer Institute on Feminist Pedagogy and Program Development in Women's Studies (2002).
Recent PhD Supervisions
Maki Iwase, “The Social Effects of Gestational Diabetes in High-Risk Ethnic Groups,” Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, 2010-present, committee members
Howie Kislowicz, “The Law of Religious Freedom and Canadian Identity,” Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, 2009-present, committee member
Raza M. Mirza, “A Qualitative Study of Elderly Chinese Immigrants’ Management of Newly Diagnosed Chronic Illness, Use of Medicines, and Healthcare Decision-making: The Role of Adult Children,” Pharmaceutical Sciences, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, 2008-present, committee member
Amrita Daftary, “Integrating Patients into Integrated TB/HIV Healthcare: Perspectives from Individuals Coinfected with Tuberculosis and HIV,” Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, 2008-2011, committee member
Recent MA Supervisions
Hank Zhao, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto, 2010-present
Katherine Nichol, Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, 2008-09
Recent Undergraduate Supervisions
Yishin Khoo, International Development Studies, University of Toronto at Scarborough, currently enrolled at the Teacher’s College, Columbia University
Brian Chong, Sociology Co-op Specialist Program, University of Toronto at Scarborough, currently enrolled at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor