Tsi Yonnenyakéhtó:Ten


Tsi Yonnenyakéhtó:Ten

For the language translation of Rock Walk, the Mohawk translation, Tsi Yonnenyakéhtó:Ten, was chosen by Tahohthátye Joe Brant, meaning “The place where rocks protrude”.

Tsi yonenyakéhtó:ten can be translated into English to mean - "the place where the rocks protrude." It was a phrase created in consultation with a first-language Kanyen'kéha (Mohawk language) based on a description that I received of the walking trail. I trust that the use of Indigenous language-derived toponyms is intended to provide education about the truths of Canada's land misappropriation at the expense of Indigenous nations and stimulate action to rectify the many ongoing and historic issues of this nature. - Tahohtharátye Joe Brant