
person looking at new crops growing in a rooftop greenhouse

Through five distinct modules, the SF3 Cluster identifies and develops strategies for agroecosystem resiliency and socially just food systems across rural and urban landscapes, in Canada, and internationally. The modules research how farmers themselves have responded to long-term stresses and recent failures within food systems. They identify what science- based, community-based and social entrepreneurship solutions are best suited to mitigating future crises in food systems, particularly around climate change. And, they look at how sustainable agriculture can be scaled to address food security and health inequities across regions. 

The Crop Biology module is the most fine grained, tackling big questions around ecological resilience by examining the biological mechanisms in plants. The Agroecology & Agrobiodiversity module focuses on understanding the relationship between crop diversity and overall sustainability of farming techniques. Urban Agriculture explores how farming in urban or peri-urban landscapes contributes to local food security and community resiliency. The Food Sovereignty module considers the dynamics that determine access to affordable, healthy, culturally appropriate food, and considers what role universities should have in supporting community-led efforts to achieve food sovereignty. Finally, the Just Culinary Infrastructure module examines how cultural demand drives the creation of alternative food networks, and asks where taste should be factored in to agrobiodiversity projects.