International Public Markets Conference

Public Markets

Past, Present, and Future Food Markets: Toronto and the World . This workshop took attendees through the 150-year histories of local-global food markets, cultures, publics, and culinary infrastructure across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The format of the workshop includes multi-sensory and multimedia vignettes and lightning presentations on the sights, sounds, smells, spaces, and tastes of the GTA’s foodways and markets as they evolved since the 1860s into the present. Discussions of the living, mobile, lost, and forgotten stories of Toronto’s diverse ethno-cultural foodways (notably Asian, Afro-Caribbean, British Empire, Jewish, and Mediterranean), will be contextualized against the histories and politics of immigration policies and urban planning interventions. Presentations on food markets, edible gardens, human-animal-plant connections, and local-global diversities and mobilities – will foster brainstorming with IPMC delegates and university audiences on the potentials for future of public markets, cities and sustainable food systems – in Toronto and beyond. We unpack what food futures are possible within the wider struggles for a livable city. 

Poster    Image of Man     Image of Food Stalls