Student Opportunities

A student smiling holding notes

On this page, students can find opportunities to gain valuable experience through UTSC's work study program, or as research assistants. In addition, links to internship opportunities that may be of interest to our students will be posted here. Check out the links below for any current opportunities.

Work Study Opportunities

Apply through CLNx for the following work study opportunities in Anthropology

For more details, please get in touch with individual professors or see full job posting on CLNx


There are currently no work study opportunities available



Research Assistant Opportunities


There are currently no research assistant opportunities available.


Internship Opportunities

Mothering and Albinism is a global health research project with an international intersectoral network of researchers and advocates working together to promote and protect the human rights of persons with albinism and their families. We are working alongside civil society organizations and advocates, including the current United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism, Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond. Focusing on the experiences of families who have given birth to a baby with albinism, we are conducting a 4-year study (2022-2026) based in South Africa, Tanzania, Ghana, and Canada to improve birthing experiences through health services, health professions education, and the development equity oriented and contextually relevant educational strategies. 

 This project involves: 

• Participatory Systematic Review 

• Fieldwork with Qualitative Interviews, Focus Groups, and Participant Observation 

• Knowledge Translation through creating digital stories, and policy and educational resources 


To learn more about the project, please visit