November 18, 2020: 1-3 p.m.

We are Still Here: Presence in Absence

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November 18, 2020 1-3 p.m.
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In this talk, Hu'o'ong Ngô will introduce her archive-based practice, particularly a body of work that unpacks the intersectional effects of women operating within a political resistance, based on colonial surveillance documents from France and Vietnam. She will elaborate on her process of working in the archives, how she translates her research into installations in art contexts, and speak to connections that her work has to current global conversations related to censorship, agency, and authoritarianism.

This event is organized in conjunction with ANTD15, an upper-level Anthropology seminar that is currently being taught by Prof. Katie Kilroy-Marac under the title of “Engaging the Archive.” It is generously co-sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and The Department of Arts, Culture and Media.

We are still here: presence in absence