Critical Thinking in a Post-Truth World of Alternative Facts

October 11, 2018

Christopher Dicarlo
Center for Inquiry

If people use Critical Thinking skills fairly, they will be more empowered to have meaningful discussions about important issues, disagree entirely, and still be able to get along. Learning these skills will allow us to value discourse over hatred, dialogue over violence, and most importantly, fairness and understanding in our disagreements on important issues.


Dr. Christopher DiCarlo was the recipient of the 2008 TV Ontario’s Big Ideas Best Lecturer in Ontario Award and has been honored with the Canadian Humanist of the Year Award from the Humanist Association of Canada. He developed the first Pilot Project in Canada to introduce Universal Critical Thinking skills into the Ontario Public High School curriculum which has begun in the Upper Grand District School Board. This has led to other Ontario School Boards adopting Dr. DiCarlo’s Critical Thinking program for their High School curricula.

photo of Christopher Dicarlo