UTSC’s Most Successful Faculty & Staff Giving Campaign culminates in an all-star Volleyball match

Once again, the faculty, staff and librarians at UTSC showed their generosity and their belief in the mission, vision and values of the campus by going above and beyond to contribute to the Faculty & Staff Giving campaign.

183 donations made to over 17 highlighted cross-departmental initiatives, this year’s campaign was by far the most successful, demonstrating the faith in philanthropy that’s held at the heart of our dream of Inclusive Excellence.

To celebrate this new record and as a thank you to the staff, faculty and librarians for their immensely significant impact, the executive leadership team sparred with a team of staff members in a volleyball match, which will have a home in our memories for a long time to come.

The teams, ‘Team Wizzy’ led by Principal Tettey, and the 'Spike-a-delics' led by the staff and faculty campaign committee, donned their purple and yellow jerseys, determined to shine on the court, giving the audience ample reason to cheer their favourite team on. A very fun few hours later, the event concluded with refreshments and remarks from Principal Tettey thanking the UTSC team for their ongoing support.

Here are a few snapshots from this memorable afternoon.