Malia Mazlomyar

Malia's headshot

Post date:

Graduating year: 2023

In the past three months, I've experienced a personal celebration rooted in the growth of my emotional intelligence. This marks not only the culmination of my academic journey but also a testament to the importance of friendship and support in achieving our goals. One day, I found myself facing a challenging situation: I needed one last course to graduate on time, but it wasn't being offered that semester. I found myself running from department to department in a frantic attempt to navigate the complexities of degree requirements. In that moment of uncertainty, one of my closest friends at the time, Haadi, stood by my side, offering unwavering support and guidance. Together, we unraveled the intricacies of my degree requirements, determined to find a solution to the challenge at hand. Despite the stress of the situation, his unwavering support and guidance helped me navigate each step with greater emotional resilience and understanding. The transformative impact of Haadi's approach to handling stressful situations ultimately led to my growth in emotional intelligence. With this, I've been able to think soundly and strategize my plans for the future. As a result, I'm thrilled to share that I have successfully applied to pursue my master's, confident in my ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead! My experience emphasized the profound impact of friendship and the resilient spirit of the UTSC community.