UTSC students featured on the annual China Townhall hosted by by the National Committee on US-China Relations

On October 11, 2023, five students in Professor Diana Fu’s Chinese Politics course (POLC16H3) -Sarah Cantet, Lina Rawas, Qihua Wang,  Gloria Song, and Viraj Choudhary- were featured on the annual China Townhall hosted by the National Committee on US-China Relations. This annual conversation on the impact of the U.S.-China relationship is watched by 250-700K viewers worldwide.  The UTSC students’ question to Nicholas Burns, the current US Ambassador to China, was a first for Canadian students.

You can watch the group question at Min: 32 of this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/60antfg361I?si=64QVmZ8w5sluWcgL