Sustainability Scholar

Three students study a fish caught from a river, seen in the background

The Sustainability Scholar allows UTSC students to broaden their knowledge of sustainability through a variety of interrelated themes and courses such as politics, anthropology, international development, biology, and more. 

In order to receive the Sustainability Scholar, UTSC students must complete the Certificate in Sustainability.  This certificate builds on UTSC’s longstanding academic strengths to provide an opportunity for a broad range of students to incorporate sustainability into their undergraduate studies. UTSC students can now complete the Certificate of Sustainability and gain recognition recorded on your academic transcript as a Sustainability Scholar!

If you have any questions about the Certificate in Sustainability, please reach out to the environmental studies department at

Sustainability Scholar FAQ

UTSC Students must complete a minimum of 2.0 credits as follows:

1. ESTB03H3 Land
2. At least 0.5 credit at the A- or B-level, from the list of electives in Table 1 below
3. At least 1.0 credit at the C- or D-level from the list of electives in Table 1 below





For more information about the certificate requirements, please visit the UTSC Calendar and certificates website