News & Features

Food series highlights food development and cultural histories

Food and storytelling come together at this year’s “Dishing Up Toronto.” Led by the Toronto Ward Museum in partnership with the Culinaria Research Centre at the University of Toronto Scarborough, “…

It turns out forgetting is really important for memory

It’s a common complaint that as we age we become more absent-minded. But a certain amount of forgetting plays a vital role in how our memory functions, according to new U of T Scarborough research…

Twelve U of T Scarborough researchers receive funding from annual U of T program

This year, 12 U of T Scarborough faculty members received New Researcher Awards from the U of T Connaught Fund. The fund awarded 56 U of T researchers across all three campuses a total of $994,000. U…

Planetary harmonies around the TRAPPIST-1 system save it from destruction

NASA's discovery of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system earlier this year created excitement after three planets were found to be in the star's habitable zone. But it also created confusion since the…

New technique offers “molecular window” into living organisms

A novel technique developed by University of Toronto Scarborough researchers can for the first time get a high-resolution profile of which molecules are present inside a living organism.  “In a way…