Mental Health Reporting

Promoting accurate and appropriate portrayals of mental illness: A collection of resources

Resources intended for: General public

Understanding Mental Health: Facts, Statistics, Definitions, Research

SOURCE: Mental Health Organization/Charity


The Canadian Mental Health Association, Winnipeg Region; The Canadian Mental Health Association, Manitoba Division; The Manitoba Psychological Society; and

The Manitoba Schizophrenia Society.


A guideline that encourages mental health literacy by providing quick facts and statistics about mental illness in Canada, and an explanation on the differences between a ‘mental health problem’ and a ‘mental disorder’.

keywords: mental health literacy, quick facts, statistics, mental health problem, mental disorder


National Institute of Mental Health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)


A source for frequently asked questions about suicide (i.e., risk factors, gender differences, age- group differences, ethnic- background differences) and tips for the general public on prevention and supporting a loved one if he/she is considering suicide.

keywords: suicide, USA, risk factors, gender, age, ethnicity, differences, public, prevention, support

SOURCE: Academic Institution


Gary Morris; Routledge Publishing.

Gary Morris is a Mental Health Nursing Lecturer working at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom.


A text that provides students and professionals in nursing and allied professions, psychiatry, psychology and related disciplines, with a theoretically grounded introduction to the ways in which our attitudes are shaped by the media. Covering the press, literature, film, television and the Internet, the text also includes practical advice and recommendations on how to combat negative images for service users, health-care workers and media personnel.

keywords: students, nursing, psychiatry, psychology, media influences, attitudes towards mental health