2022 CERA Fellowship Programs Launch


The launch of the two annual CERA fellowship programs is finally here! Please read below for details about the funding opportunities: 


1: Graduate Fellowships: CERA will provide $2,000 awards to superb graduate students supervised by CERA PI's. Awards will be given to applicants advancing well in their degree, doing work that aligns with CERA goals and that engages with non-academic partners. Click here for the link to the application.


2: Postdoctoral Fellowships: This fellowship will fund two postdocs per year. Proposals that explicitly link two or more CERA-affiliated labs or work with external partners will be prioritized. Further, while funding for two full positions is available, CERA will consider applications that include matching funds from PIs (e.g., 50%CERA and 50% from PI[s]). Click here for the link to the application.


Both applications are due on November 18, 2022.