Fall 2007

NMEA20H Introduction to New Media in the Humanities and Social Sciences

New Economies and the Information Society

Leslie Chan
Room B570

Teaching Assistant
Stephen Tracy


What is the "Network Society" and what are the connections between information and communication technologies and the new economic structures? What are the fundamental differences between the "new" economies and the traditional market-based and firm-based systems?


Rishab Aiyer Ghosh (1998) Cooking pot markets: an economic model for the trade in free goods and services on the Internet. First Monday, issues 3.3.

Chris Anderson (2004). The Long Tail. Wired Magazine October 2004.

Optional Readings:
Yochai Benkler (2002). Coase's Penguin, or Linux and the Nature of the Firm.
112 Yale Law Journal 369

Wikibook on Information Society and the New Economy


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