

Dr. Gülbin Özdamar Akarçay was awarded a Turkish TUBITAK fellowship to pursue post-doctoral research in Canada. Her work will examine the Turkish immigrant experience in Canada on the part of those who have married cross-culturally. Her work combines an interest in ethnography and photography, and while she is in Canada she will interview members of the Turkish diaspora as they thumb through their family albums. In this way she will interrogate changing notions of ethnic and religious identity over several generations. She is interested in the social production of memory and forms of nostalgia on the part of descendants of various Turkish communities, including those who may identify as Turkish, Kurdish, Muslim, Christian, Sunni, Alawite, or Canadian. Gülbin received a PhD in Journalism from Anadolu University. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Communication Design at Eskisehir Osmangazi University. She was the curator of the international photography exhibit Intimate Revolt (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Turkey). Her work has been featured in three solo exhibitions: Faces of Prisoners, Narodni Divadlo, and Children of Maticni. In 2010, she established the Living Woman Photography Group, which advocates for women and children who are victims of violence.