Tips for BEAST users. NOTE: There is an error in TABLE 1. The standard error for Passeriformes should be 0.60 not 0.20. TABLE 1 shows the mean rates (% divergence per million years) for orders and for the entire dataset. Choose which mean rate you wish. Divide it by 2 to get per lineage rate. Then divide it by 100 to get per lineage rate in units of mutations per base pair per million years. Example: the rate for the entire dataset is 2.21% divergence/million years. This rate becomes 1.105% divergence per lineage per million years, and 0.01105 mutations per base pair per lineage per million years. Use 0.01105 in BEAST. TABLE1 also shows standard errors (i.e. standard deviations) for each order and for the entire dataset. Again divide this by 2 to get standard error per lineage and by 100 to put it in the proper units that BEAST uses.