Topic 2. Hearing 1 - Cricket Phonotaxis


This weeks papers can be downloaded as pdf files (so you will need Adobe Acrobat or equivalent to access them). One of the papers (Huber & Thorson, Scientific American) has colour figures in the original, and these don't come out so well in the scans.

Cricket Auditory Communication. Huber, F. and Thorson, J. (1985) Scientific American 253(6):60-68. This an overview of the subject, not a research paper. There will also be a more extensive supplementary overview (textbook chapter) on reserve at the "library".

The function of auditory neurons in cricket phonotaxis. Schildberger, K. and Hörner, M. (1988) J Comp Physiol A 163:621-631.

Complex auditory behaviour emerges from simple reactive steering. Hedwig, B. and Poulet, J.F.A. Nature 430:781-785.



part 1

part 2

Lecture recording

will be here


Barbara Webb's robot cricket.

My webpage.

The amazing bladder grasshopper.

Manfred Hartbauer's homepage.