Combatting Racism: From By Stander to Up Stander

Tuesday, August 9, 2022, 02:00 pm - 03:30 pm

Putting all of the above into action

COVID-19 has sharpened the structural and societal inequities that have long existed and permeated disproportionately across racialized communities. These inequities have been maintained by power dynamics that translate into a lack of access to resources and opportunities. This series of workshops aims to create a safe and inclusive space to explore different dimensions of inequities that have created psychological distress and maintained cyclical deprivation. Each workshop will focus on a specific topic with strategies to move from bystander to upstander-in combatting anti-Black Racism, anti-Indigenous, anti-Asian, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, gender and 2S+LGBTQ based discrimination and other forms of oppression.This session is recognized on the CCR. Attendees will be given a link to complete a MS Forms as a reflection for each session they attend and CCR validation will be done at the end of the semester. 

Registration closes at 8 am the day prior to the group. 
This group is being offered online.

If you missed registering for this workshop on CLNx, please email to inquire how to join. 

Last updated: 2022-08-09 01:10:04