Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) - Campus Safety Special Constables are trained in CPTED.  CPTED is a proactive design philosophy, centered around the belief that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction of fear and incidence of crime, as well as improve people’s quality of life.  CPTED goes beyond the conventional approach to safeguarding the environment by exploiting natural forms of surveillance, access control and territorial reinforcement, in an attempt to present a psychological deterrent for the purpose of positively influencing human behavior.


  • Productive use of space
  • Improved function
  • Reduced exposure to fear, crime, loss and liability
  • Partnerships and problem solving
  • Improved quality of life
  • Cost savings

Three main principles of CPTED

  • Natural surveillance
  • Natural access control
  • Territorial reinforcement

For additional information on CPTED please visit CPTED Ontario.