Water Hogs-Goal

Our Goal

Millions of people face daily water challenges that impact their health and economic wellbeing. We believe that education is key to solving the world water crisis. This is not a quick fix and requires perseverance and support. Our goal is to assist established universities in Sub-Sahara Africa to educate skilled water resource professionals.

We intend to offer established universities in Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania with a complete Masters Program in Applied Hydrogeology and Water Resources Management.  We aim to support and mentor these universities in the implementation of the program, and we expect that in due time these universities will mentor other universities to do the same.

The success of our collective efforts, however, can only be recognized with the number of the graduates that will go on to solve their communities’ water problems.  Currently, for every one million people in Sub-Saharan Africa there are only 35 technical specialists. Compare that to North America where for every one million people we have more than 4000 technical specialists.  Our objective is to have between 500-600 educated water resource professionals in Sub-Sahara Africa by 2019.