Welcome! I work primarily on ancient philosophy and, in particular, Aristotle’s theoretical philosophy. I also have an interest in contemporary metaphysics, especially in contemporary approaches to hylomorphism, essence, and mereotopology.

I received an MA in Classics and Philosophy, and I earned a Dr. Phil. (scl) in Philosophy from Humboldt University Berlin. Before joining the Department of Philosophy at UTSC, I have held positions at Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich and at Humboldt University Berlin.

I recently published Aristotle’s Theory of Bodies (OUP, 2018). It is a comprehensive study of Aristotle’s conception of body and related notions like surface, boundary, extension, contact, and continuity. For more information on my published work, please see the publication section.

My current research projects include a monograph on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Book H, as well as a series of articles connected to his theory of hylomorphism. For more information about my current projects, please see the research section.

My CV can be found here: CV Christian Pfeiffer Nov 2023 UTSC (short)

Together with Béatrice Lienemann und Christof Rapp, I am the editor of Philosophical Studies in Ancient Thought.  More information can be found here: Reihenflyer Ancient Thought_Call for Manus_engl