Not long ago, it was decided that the years in which I was earning my graduate degrees was dedicated to the “decade of the brain” by those that be. Ever so impressionable, I wanted to focus my research on merely the “brain” in my chosen field of Clinical Neuropsychology. As I grew more to understand the “Neuro” in neuropsychology, the more I came to understand that I could not leave far behind the “Psychology.” And as such, my research interests today remain intimately intertwined so to understand clinical disorders from brain, to mind, to behaviour, to real world function and dysfunction with the ultimate goal of placing diagnostic clinical science on firmer scientific grounds.

Using various clinical tools and research methods, such as neuropsychological and psychological testing, fMRI, virtual reality, meta-analysis, or various experimental designs, I am interested in  clinical disorders such as traumatic brain injury,  depressive disorders, schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, substance related and addictive disorders along with inherent issues related to these disorders such as malingering, diagnostic typology, early diagnosis, and treatment.

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