2022 CERA Programs Launch


The launch of the first three CERA programs for this year is finally here! Please read below for details about the funding opportunities: 


1: Fourth-year Advanced Undergraduate Scholarly Project: Undergraduate students can submit proposals to help fund their fourth-year project. These projects should be designed by students and they need to consult with a potential advisor. They will be required to also register for fourth-year course credit (e.g., BIOD98, CHMD90/91, EESD09/10) - note, student does not need to be in their fourth year, but they do need to register for the fourth-year research course.  Successful students will be awarded up to $1,000 through the supervisor to cover research expenses. Link to application.


2: Travel Funds: Postdocs and students affiliated with CERA will have access to travel funds for conferences to present CERA work and promote the center. Link to application.


3: Research Enhancement: Funding to PIs to explore new research projects that align with CERA priorities. Eligible expenses include consumables, experimental apparatus (e.g., test tubes, watering cans, fly containers, etc.), and undergraduate research assistance (e.g., as work-study matching funds or to extend work-study periods). The maximum request allowed is $5k, and applications will be submitted by CERA PIs even if for trainee projects. Link to application.


All three applications are due on June 30, 2022.