Yan Wang

Yan Wang
Assistant Professor
Telephone number
Building SW 542

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in the genomic evolution of fungi. I seek to understand the genetic make-up of fungal symbionts and how they have adapted to their host environments over evolutionary timescales. The research program in my laboratory primarily uses fungi and insects to study adaptation, evolution, host-microbe interactions, and host specificity by integrating modern genomic approaches with traditional phylogenetic methods.


  • early-diverging fungi
  • horizontal gene transfer
  • host-microbe interactions
  • insects
  • phylogenetics

Research Area: Biodiversity & Systematics, Computational Biology, Evolutionary Genomics, Mycology

Current Research

Recent areas of research focus include:

  • Assembling high-quality fungal genomes using long-read sequencing data
  • Developing phylogenomic markers for molecular systematics of early-diverging fungi
  • Investigating population genomic structure of insect-associated fungi
  • Examining experimental evolution and gene expression preference of insect gut-dwelling fungi


Interested students and postdoctoral fellows should inquire via email. More details can be found at the laboratory website.