Vinicius de Aguiar Furuie

Vinicius de Aguiar Furuie, a young man with long dark hair tied up, wearing a plaid shirt
Assistant Professor
Building HL 336

My research brings insights from environmental and economic anthropology to bear on each other, opening space for a social analysis in which humans and non-humans interact and mutually distribute responsibilities. My main region of interest is Amazonia, where I have conducted extensive fieldwork on the economy of Non-Timber Forest Products involving river traders, Indigenous and riverside communities, and fair-trade initiatives. I am particularly interested in forms of exchange, credit, patronage and other asymmetrical relations, as well as paradigms of human-environment relations in the region and beyond. I began working with Amazonian riverside communities in 2007 when I was an undergraduate student at the University of São Paulo. I have also written on Japanese environmental movements, with a focus on antinuclear protests following the Fukushima meltdown of 2011. I received a PhD in Anthropology from Princeton University in 2020 and was a Harvard University Environmental Fellow from 2020-2022.

Selected Recent Publications

2021 “Regatões: crédito e confiança numa economia sustentável na Amazônia,” (Regatões: Credit and Trust in an Amazonian Sustainable Economy”). In NEXO Políticas Públicas.

2020 “Circuits of Glass: A Century of Art and Trade in the Brazilian Amazon,” Harvard Review of Latin America, 2020.

2020 “O Estado, a natureza e a liberdade dos povos e comunidades tradicionais” (The State, Nature and the Freedom of Forest Peoples and Communities”). In NEXO Políticas Públicas

2016 “Imprensa e Barragens na Bacia do Tapajós” (“Press Coverage of Dams in the Tapajós River Basin,” with Daniela Alarcon and Natália Guerrero). In Ocekadi, edited by Daniela Alarcon, Mauricio Torres, and Brent Millikan. Brasília: International Rivers.