CSCA48: Course Webpage


Welcome to CSCA48! This is an Introduction to Computer Science II at UTSC. This course builds on the skills covered in CSCA08 (Introduction to Computer Science I) to help you learn fundamental topics in Computer Science.

The primary keys to success in this course are:

Here is the course information sheet, which contains the course policies.

Contact Information

Instructors: Nick Cheng Brian Harrington
Email: nick [at] brian [dot] harrington [at]
Office: IC348 IC342


2016-03-27: Exercise 11 handout updated
The handout for Ex11 has been updated to clarify the importing of the Container class.

2016-03-15: Term Test 2 Make Up
The make-up test for Term Test 2 will be held on Friday March 18th at 2:00pm in IC200. Please bring your completed student illness verification form.

2016-03-04: Anti Lecture Time/Date Change
Due to an exam conflict, next week's anti lecture will not be held on Wednesday. Instead it will be held in Friday (March 11) from 5-7pm in AA204. The anti-lectures will return to normal in the following week.

2016-02-08: Term Test 1 Make Up (new time)
It has come to our attention that our original test time conflicts with the calculus midterm. The make-up term test has therefore been changed to Friday February 12th from 12-2pm in IC402.

2016-02-07: Term Test 1 Make Up
The make-up test for Term Test 1 will be held on Friday February 12th from 2-4pm, watch this space for location. Please bring your completed student illness verification form with you to the test.

2016-02-07: Term Test 1 Accessability Exams
Students who wrote their exams with Accessability will be able to pick up their exams from Brian's Office Hours on Thursday from 1-3pm

2016-01-10: Ramp-up Session
The ramp-up session (designed for students who did not take CSCA08, but open to all CSCA48 students) will be held on Friday Jan 15 2-4pm in AC334.

2016-01-10: Practicals
The tentative timetable for practicals is now available. Practicals will begin this week. However, there will be no formal practical material until week 3. This weeks practicals will be focused on getting new students up & running with any software requirements, and helping with the transition to A48. For new students, we suggest looking at the exercises on the CSCA08 Course Webpage and attempting those (and for anyone who actually took A08, but didn't get full marks on the exercises, that might be a good idea as well). The TAs will be happy to help you with anything you need.