Claim Forms and UHIP Coverage

Group of students at a Health and Wellness information booth

How do I submit a claim form?

Download and complete the UHIP claim form. Once completed, UHIP Members can submit the form via the online secure portal. 

Can I cancel my UHIP coverage?

You can only cancel your UHIP if you have one of UHIP’s pre-approved plans listed in the UHIP Exemptions List.

Please note that if you are eligible for an exemption, you have to apply for the exemption by October 15th (for fall registrants) or by February 15th (for winter registrants) in order to get a full refund. If you are applying after any of these dates and before March 1st, you will only get a partial refund. 

If you are eligible for an exemption, you must apply for it within 45 days of your coverage becoming active. 

Can I enroll my parents or other family members in UHIP?

You may enroll your spouse (Husband and Wife), common law partner or children in UHIP within 30 days of their arrival in Canada. UHIP does not consider parents, siblings or other family members to be dependents (therefore, you cannot enroll them under UHIP). 

You must be enrolled in UHIP in order to enroll your eligible dependents. 

To register your dependent(s), complete the Dependents Application by following the instructions on the this site or follow the steps on this detailed document

I am still lost, where should I get help for UHIP?

Visit the UHIP website or contact the UTSC UHIP Office:

International Student Centre
1265 Military Trail, Highland Hall, HL448
Toronto, Ontario, M1C 1A4, Canada
Tel: 416-287-7087

UHIP Office Hours:

Monday to Friday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm at HL-448.