News & Features

Creative writing student first to be signed to new publisher

At the start of 2017, sixth-year U of T Scarborough student Téa Mutonji wasn’t sure what life would be like after graduation, but a new publishing contract is sharpening her 2018 focus.  After a…

Curatorial Perspectives II: An undergraduate course in search of local artists

In Curatorial Perspectives II, seven students will spend this semester visiting local artist studios. At the end of the semester, they must decide on one artist to invest in for the Doris…

Prestigious international scholarships awarded to four U of T Scarborough students

U of T introduced its most prestigious scholarship for international students this year, and four of its winners are enrolled in Co-op programs at U of T Scarborough. Lester B. Pearson…

Long journey to medical school just the beginning for this recent grad

If there were two guiding inspirations for Abdul Sidiqi during his time as an undergrad, it was his passion for science and the experiences of his family. “As newcomers to Canada we had the typical…

Antu Hossain: Advocate for public health

Antu Hossain had her first "aha" moment when she was only 19.  In the summer of her second year at U of T Scarborough, Hossain spent a summer volunteering in Kenya as a health project…

Financial planning calculator can help students predict their living costs

Tuition is just the beginning. Housing, utilities, food, textbooks, transit and recreation costs all add up, and managing expenses can often become an overwhelming task for busy students. But the…

U.S. political climate among reasons U of T Scarborough student chose to study in Canada

First-year student Kristen Allen had been attracted to studying abroad for some time before she chose the University of Toronto Scarborough. “My step-father is a U of T alumni and he told me about…

Hiking mountains, visiting dry lakes and a glacier – all for a course credit

It’s not every day that students get a chance to hike a mountain in the Rockies to watch the sun rise through the clouds or trek to the foot of a massive glacier, all while earning a course credit.…

Say hello to our first Schulich Scholar

In 2011, venture capitalist and champion of higher education Seymour Schulich established the Schulich Leader Scholarships.   The Schulich Leader Scholarships are prestigious entrance…

U of T grads have one of the best employability outcomes in the world, new ranking says

Globally in-demand graduates, alumni in leadership roles and high levels of engagement with employers are just some of the reasons the University of Toronto has one of the best graduate employability…