Sorcha Taylor in Vietnam

Sorcha Taylor

Hello! I’m Sorcha Taylor, and I will be leaving for a nine month placement in the beautiful city of Hanoi, Vietnam. Through WUSC, I will be working with the Centre for Marine Life Conservation and Community Development (MCD) as a Project Officer. MCD is at the forefront of Vietnamese environmental conservation, focusing on improving the quality and health of coastal ecosystems as well as community livelihoods development.

I was lucky enough to live in Hanoi when I was very young, and I always knew that I wanted to return and give back to the wonderful community that provided me with such kindness and happy memories. I’m originally from the West Coast of Ireland, I’ve always loved the ocean and I have a deep respect for the people who rely on it, and so I’m extremely excited to join the MCD team who are really making a difference through their amazing work.

I am very grateful for the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Scholarship and Uniterra for making this opportunity possible, and I will be sharing my journey through my Instagram account (@sorchaqes).