by D. Dudley Williams, D.Sc.            

Invertebrate Phylogeny   

Coral Reefs NEW!!       


The CD-ROM Invertebrate Phylogeny is an electronic, multimedia synthesis of the world's invertebrate animals, those "without backbones". Invertebrates make up about 95% of all known animal species, yet their diversity is far less known to the majority of people than those animals we call vertebrates including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. There are well over 1 million known species of invertebrates, although some biologists predict that perhaps as many as 3 to 10 times this number remain as yet undiscovered.

This dynamic programme illustrates the diversity of body form, adaptation and behaviour through presentation of summaries of the 34 major groups or phyla of invertebrates. The presentation is organized according to the interrelationships among these groups and displayed in a tree chart that makes it simple to navigate through the CD-ROM. The interactive programme includes over 700 stunning colour photographs representing all invertebrate types, and over 150 pages of text. Invertebrate Phylogeny is an ideal instructional instrument for educators and is an effective learning device for students and professionals who work with, or who want to know more about invertebrate animals.

ISBN: 0-7727-6300-3


The CD-ROM Coral Reefs is now available. Please click on "more info" at the bottom of this page for information on ordering. This CD is a multimedia presentation of the world's coral reefs, including information on reef types, distribution, formation, and status. It also contains a comprehensive index of many of the species of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants associated with reefs and their organization into communities.

This multidimensional programme features world maps, diagrammatic sections of reef types illustrated by underwater photographs, section quizzes and an interactive game illustrating the challenges of coral reef management. The CD contains hundreds of original colour photographs, line drawings and schematics which bring to life every aspect of the reef community; these are accompanied by numerous text descriptions. Coral Reefs is an ideal instructional instrument for educators and is an effective learning device for students and professionals who work with, or who want to know more about these fascinating systems.

ISBN: 0-7727-6313-5

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